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CSRCorporate Social Responsibility Activities

“Service for Nation, is Service for GOD”

Our founder Late Late Sh Balkrishanji was a firm believer in above lines. Same feeling has passed on to our directors, then to our group and everyone attached with us. Our CSR programmes aim to be relevant to local, national and global contexts, keep disadvantaged communities as the focus based on globally agreed sustainable development principles and be implemented in partnership with governments, NGOs and other relevant stakeholders. UB Group companies are involved in a wide variety of community development and environment preservation projects.

At our office in Bhavnagar, we organize blood donation camps every quarter. Recently, We also have Yoga & Kirtan sessions every week which are open for everyone. Recently, on Women’s day, we had donated electric vehicle to an upcoming women cricketer from rural Bhavnagar.

We also have free education classes at our factories for the needy children. We believe in investing time, money and work hours in CSR activities which contribute to the city, society and to the nation.

Students of GMIU university Bhavnagar on a visit to Arihant industries on 3rd March 2025.

Children of Workers of Arihant Industries being taken to School.

Blood donation camp held on 21st June 2024 on the occasion of World Blood Donor Day at UB Aggarwal House, Hill Drive, Bhavnagar!

Blood donation camp held on 17th September 2023 on the occasion of the birthday of our Prime Miinster Modiji at UB Aggarwal House, Hill Drive, Bhavnagar!

Blood donation camp with complete checkup organised on 6th July 2023 at Hans Industries Pvt Ltd, Sihor!

Blood donation camp organised on 30th dec 2022 at Hans Industries Pvt Ltd, Sihor!

Blood donation camp organised on 18th dec 2022
at UB AGGARWAL House, Bhavnagar!